Why should you use Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an eastern medicine approach towards healing the patient and targeting the illness from the root cause. Acupuncturist target acupuncture points, in order to help stimulate blood flow and the release of endorphins. This holistic approach towards healing a patient has been used for hundreds of years and is praised for its natural healing effects. Acupuncturist use many different methods in order to help diagnose and heal the patient.
Methods such as
- Acupuncture
- Acupressure
- Moxibustion
- Cupping
- Electric stimulation
- Herbal Medicine
Eastern medicine has shown to be very effective towards countless types of mental and physical illnesses. Dr. Yang from Acupuncture Wellness has explained to us the many benefits of acupuncture and all the different types of symptoms that he treats. Starting from pain management, he has treated chronic and acute arthritis through the use of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Many other illnesses such as joint pain, muscle, tendon, ligament damage. Many of the practitioners patients come in due to sports injury that range from upper body stiffness, neck pain, lower body pain, concussions, sprains, broken bones, sciatica, headaches, migraines, and more.
People who suffer from immune diseases also have seen significant difference in health from this natural approach. Taking herbal medicine that has been infused with herbs that have active ingredients from minerals and plants have shown great success for people with hives, HIV, herpes, allergies, shingles, and more. Naturally, meditation and relaxation is a big part of treatment and acupuncture has shown to help release endorphins in the body and helps treat patients with anxiety, nervousness, depression, and stress.
Eastern Medicine/Holistic medicine has also been widely recognized for its benefits in Men’s and Women’s health. For men, medical illnesses and issues have been stigmatized due to its sensitive nature and has made it difficult and often times embarrassing to consult their doctors about real medical problems. Many have turned to acupuncture and reaped many benefits for infertility, sexual function, testicular and prostate related pain, and more.
For women, it most commonly ranges from hormonal imbalances, pains, and infertility. Through countless case studies and clinical research, acupuncture has shown to greatly improve hormonal imbalance, fertility, puberty mood swings, abnormal cycles, UTI, and many other hormonal and estrogenic effects.
While these showcase the many benefits that acupuncture provides, it does not exclude many other illnesses that many people suffer from such as weight loss and thyroid abnormalities, low energy and fatique, sleeping disorders, drug addiction, nausea, gout, and more.
Please do not be afraid to consult your doctor about a health issue and take action on your well-being.
In America, it has been widely known that the diet and nutrition that many American’s eat has been causing a massive amount of gastro-intestinal pains. This is no secret and many patient’s come in daily for problems such as indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pains, acid reflux, allergic reactions towards many foods such as gluten, dairy, and GMO.
Go consult with your practitioner about what the best choice is for you and if you are in the Houston area, go check out Acupuncture near me and consult with Dr. Yang about his services and how he can help you today.